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    Sanad requires the following documents to be sent via email to the admission department before the first initial appointment and screening and to complete registration: 


    • Copy of student and parent’s identification (Emirates ID/Visa and Passport Copy). 
    • 2x recent passport size photo 
    • Copy of student’s Insurance card 
    • Copy of student’s medical report confirming diagnosis (if available) 
    • Copy of student’s recent school/therapy reports (if available). 
    • Completed parent input form 
    • Copy of caregiver’s identification and consent form in case they will be engaging with the student at Sanad such as picking up, dropping off or participating in events etc. 

    The service agreement is a contract between Sanad Village and parents that states a clear description of the types of services to be provided by Sanad Village. Important information is included such as the rights and responsibilities of both the parent/legal guardian and Sanad and the fees related to the program. The service agreement governs the provisions of our delivery of service. Once the agreement is signed by both parties it cannot be altered until the next service agreement renewal. 

    You may share your feedback and concerns with your family support coordinator (their contact details will be shared on page 5) via phone call or preferably email. If you have any complaints, you may send this to and we will try our very best to resolve the issue in a timely manner.

    At pick-up and drop-off, you will be meeting with your child’s therapist and during this time parents may wish to have a brief conversation regarding how their child’s overall day went. However, for the purpose of maintaining student’s confidentiality, if parents have any requests or concerns, we strongly urge you to raise this up with your family support coordinator so that your request is dealt with through the proper channels. Or you may communicate directly with your child’s therapist on Hi Rasmus, so any questions or concerns you may have will be addressed appropriately.